Get involved

Planet earth is sinking. All hands on deck!

There's plenty we need help with. Our project is ambitous and we have a long way to go. We have faith the right people will resonate with the project at the right time and come forward. Generally these are some of the roles we need help with.

Innovator / Maker / Hacker / Artist / Entrepreneur in residence

What do you want to do? Use the chapel as the blank canvas for innovation. We provide all the tools and resources that you'll ever require. This is an independent role with a lot flexibility and unlimited potential for growth.

Community building / Ambassadors

We are counting on you. If you feel connection with our project we invite you to collaboration. Join the conversation, share the vision, connect the changemakers. We particularly need experienced social-media, but if you just want to help out with instagram, we still need you.

Filming + Photography + Media Production

Currently we have more going on that we have time to document and share with the world. Can you help us bring the Astralship story to the world?

Builders, Carpenters, Plumbers, Electricians etc

Building ship is hard work that requires skill. Whther you want to improve what you can do with you hands or are highly experienced. If you want to help us build ships in teams, get in touch please.

Marketing Automation

You should have passion about automation and recent trends in social media. What is the "next hot app? ...

  • Instagram bots
  • Facebook groups
  • Newsletter
  • Content creation
  • Posting to relevant channels
  • Documenting and automating process
  • Tracking leads and following up
Language people, VR devs, game designers, animators

2017-10-27 Update: We won an innovation grant to develop language learning in VR.

We have a paying project developing language learning in VR. We're developing a game for learning Welsh set in the magical world of Welsh Folklore. We've already had some amazing discoveries about the potential of this technology. Get in touch if you'd like to voyage with us. This is our maiden funded voyage under the Astralship banner. We're not looking to be 'another language learning offering'. We're going to create significant innovation.

As you can see we're going for a low-poly style with beautiful lightning. Paper textures will come later. The terrain is actual Snowdonia topology.